Beaufort County Genealogical Society

March Meeting

President – Ann Basnight
Vice-President – Terria Baynor
Treasurer – Louise Cowell
Corresponding Secretary – Mary Disharoon
Recording Secretary – Vernetta Lange

The Beaufort County Genealogical Society met at Brown Library on March 4. Vice President Terria Baynor welcomed 26 members and guests.Visitors included Peggy Waters, researching Peele and Waters; Joyth Edwards, researching Hardison and Whitaker; Jim Bowman, interested in the Warrall name; Mima Dixon, researching Satterwhite/Satterthwaite and Bonner; Amy Noble, researching Keech, Wilkinson and Hardison; and Willene Brinn, researching Paul, Slade and Cartwright.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and accepted as amended ---Free Union area mentioned in Fred Willard’s symposium last month was in Washington County, not Beaufort County.

Mary Disharoon had a number of newsletters, journals, the North Carolina Historical Review, the Family Tree from Georgia and Durham-Orange County Newsletter of March 2003 which presented a couple of items of interest to genealogists.Virginia Senate Bill 818 proposes to allow destruction of will files. It allows the clerk to destroy a will’s file along with the original will after it is no longer of any value and after it has been microfilmed.The Florida governor has proposed that the Florida State Library and Archives’ holdings be transferred to Florida State University in Tallahassee, Fla.Disharoon placed registration information and brochures in the History Room for the NGS conference in Pittsburgh, Pa., May 28-31. Louise Cowell presented revised BCGS brochures and placed some in the History Room.

Terria Baynor confirmed with John Oden that “Deed Book No. 1” is about two weeks from going to the printer.He has entered the Blackbeard information, indexed it, but has to re-enter certain introductory pages.“Deed Book No. 2” has been delivered to Cowell for proofreading.  Oden has begun work on “Deed Book No. 3”The Cemetery Book “Volume 1, A-C” is being held up.The Board of Directors decided to publish “Oakdale and Pamlico Memorial Gardens” first, then proceed with the alphabetized books so there’ll be no break in sequential order.


The trip to Archives was revisited.  Albert Everson motioned the group go on April 5; Evelyn Cutler seconded and by a showing of hands, the majority agreed.Members interesting in going to Archives in Raleigh on Saturday, April 5th should call Ann Basnight at 946-1409.

The Hyde-Beaufort dinner meeting would be held on March 15 at 6 pm---not 6:30 pm ----at the Christian Church in Swan Quarter.The speaker will be the assistant curator for Outer Banks History Center, which is coordinating events for the First Flight Celebration.


Judy Guthrie mentioned there is a web site --- (random acts of genealogical kindness).Volunteers will research specific genealogical information upon request.Most states are served.Directions are available at the site.

Terria Baynor introduced the speaker for the evening, Evelyn Cutler.Her program was entitled “Don’t Throw That Away!”She presented anecdotes and first person experiences of people who found valuables in strange places after the death of a family member. They taught the group to never throw anything away until it has been thoroughly and painstakingly searched through.

Roger Baynor motioned, Judy Guthrie seconded, to adjourn at 8:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Vernetta Lange – Recording Secretary

Web Page Design © 2003 Terria W. Baynor

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