Beaufort County Genealogical Society



The Beaufort County Genealogical Society met at Brown Library on 11-6-01 at 7 p.m.   President Tyson welcomed 24 members and guests.


The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read.  The treasurer’s report was given. 

Mary Disharoon presented numerous newsletters and journals.  She reported that member Virginia Credle’s husband is in the hospital.


John Oden mentioned that at the NCGS meeting in Raleigh last weekend Ann Basnight was elected Coastal Director for the state and Louise Cowell was selected to serve on the Nominating Committee.  It should also be noted that John received an award recognizing his work/service contributions to NCGS.






          There were no nominations from the floor for officers for the year 2002.  John motioned, Judy Guthrie seconded, the motion carried to accept the slate as presented: 


President – Ann Basnight  

Vice-President – Terria Baynor 

Treasurer – Louise Cowell 

Corresponding Secretary – Mary Disharoon 

Recording Secretary – Vernetta Lange


Louise presented a check for $25.00 to Elizabeth Elliott to be donated to St. Clair’s Church for use of their fellowship hall for the joint Beaufort-Hyde dinner meeting last month.  A total of 44 members enjoyed the meal and program.


Terria reported on the Cemetery Record Book she’s working on.  She has almost all signatures needed to permit printing to begin.  John contacted the Credles who provided him with records for several other cemeteries they had canvassed and they will be included.


Ann Basnight presented a pre-publication order forms for any who wish to purchase The Heritage of Tyrrell County, NC.  Copies are available in the History Room.  She also had copies of a brochure featuring the Historic Albemarle Tour.





President Tyson requested nominations from the floor to replace outgoing members of the Board of Directors.  Evelyn Cutler and Jean Gurkin agreed to serve the three (3) year terms.


Our meeting in December will essentially be a social.  The motion was made, seconded and carried to cancel the January 2002 meeting since it falls on New Year’s night.


John mentioned Hyde County has published a will book that will include much of eastern Beaufort County.  The cost is $30.00.


Robbie Burbage has a list of books available through Hyde County.  Pitt Family Researchers are still in the process of moving records to Sheppard Library.  Their meetings are held at Sheppard on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.


Lewis Forrest presented an excellent and interesting program on Mattamuskeet Foundation exhibiting old documents and pictures of tractors that have been located and restored.  Copies of his book on Mattamuskeet were available.


John motioned, Judy seconded to adjourn at 8:10 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Vernetta Lange


Web Page © 2001 Terria W. Baynor

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