I have fowarded the following wills by Edmund Chancey, 
and two of his descendents,(or perhaps brother) William 
and William. 

Since these are not actual copies of an original, they of course are suspect. 
If you decide not to include them because of this, I understand.
Robert Chancey

 You may read these Wills below:


CHANCEY, EDMUND.   Pasquotank County.
March 15, 1753. July Court, 1754. Grandsons: EDMUND CHANCEY, Son
Of STEPHEN ("eastermost part of my plantation"), EDMUND CHANCEY, son
OfJACOB ("middlemost part of my plantation"), EDMUND CHANCEY, son of
ZACHARIAH("my Sand Hills land"). Sons: DANIEL (a riding horse, saddle
and bridle, dozen spoons, pair of brass scales, large Bible and three young
horses); ZACHARIAH (one shilling "sterling money to cutt him off from my
rail and personal Estate because of the Wickedness that he committed in
my House in the time of my Absence"). Daughter-in-law: RACHEL CHAN-
CEY (16 barrels of corn, 450 lbs dried meat, 3 gallons fatt, "my wheat
all my black pepper and all my flax and wool and one half of my sweeten-
ing"). Granddaughters: MARY and HANNAH CHANCEY. To JAMES FUR-
BUSH is bequeathed book "No Cross, No Crown." Children of Daughter
and ZADOCK BAKER. Executor: JOHN BAKER. Witnesses: ROBT. HALL,
WM. SWANN. Clerk of the Court: THOs. TAYLOR.

Read complete text of this will.


CHANCEY, WILLIAM.   Pasquotank County
April 18, 1736. May 13, 1736. Father: WILLIAM CHANCEY. Brother:
Witnesses: JOE SYMONS, MARY LOWRY. Will proven before W. SMITH, C. J.

Donated by:  Robert Chancey


CHANCEY, WILLIAM.    Pasquotank County.
July 17, 1746. August 4, 1749. Daughters: ANN WHEEDBEY, MARY
tion whereon I do now live"), WILLIAM BOYD, WILLIAM CHANCEY COM-
Executors: JOSEPH BALEY and JOSEPH COMMANDER (sons-in-law). Wit-
proven before Gov. GAB. JOHNSTON at Eden House.

Donated by:  Robert Chancey

Jacob Chauncey's Will, Brevard County, Florida 


WILL OF Lemuel Forehand
-Source- Original Will

Will of Lemuel Forehand 
31st Jan 1808
Died  7th Feb 1808

In the name of God Amen and as it is appointed for man to die I Lemuel
Forehand knowing the fraility of nature and that I being of sound mind and
memory and as trusting worldly --------- affairs in the first place I
desire to committ my soul unto God that gave it and my body unto dust from
whence it came desiring my executator  to have it buried in a Christian
Manner and as ------ worldly goods I Lemuel Forehand of the county of
Pasquotank doth make this my last will and desire and in first place
leaving all my just debts to be paid and the remainder of my estate I give
and desire unto my beloved granddaughter ?Lovey? Williams all my estate
parshally and inaparshally in ?doses? and without at the age of twenty one
or marriage and that if she the said Lovey should dee without coming to the
age of twenty one or marriage I give and bequeath to my grandsons Thomas
Williams, ?----? Temple and Nancy Forehand my granddaughter all my affore
gifted property leaving ?----?Jones to be my ?-----? And soul
this my last will and testament and disannulling and revoking all other
wills made by me before and further say that this as above is my last will
and desire in writing whereof I do swear unto and set my hand and seal this
31th Jan 1808.

Written in Presence of William Stanley
?Suzannah? Cartright(her mark)

Recorded in Book  M 
folio 196 & 197

Transcribed by Ben Askew at

PETITION FOR LAND - 1802 (image) Plain Text below: State of North Carolina December Term 1802 Pasquotank County To the worshipful Justices of the County Court of Pleas and Quarters ------?----- for the County aforementioned The Petition of Christopher Cartwright and Mary his wife,William (?nowdor )and Sarah his wife Benjamin Foreman and Joseph Foreman late of the said county desceased died (?inturiate?) seized and possessed ----- ---- ---- tract of land lying and being in said County appraised containing about thirty acres which ------ to your petitioners Mary,Sarah Benjamin,(?Nancy? ) and four other children.Namely (?Clankey?),Robert,James and Nancy as tenants in Common And your petitioners further show that they are desirous of obtaining a partition of the said land and humbly pray that ------ ---- ----- ------ James White ,Nathan (?Obieman?),John (?---?) and Hugh Knox may be appointed to divide the same agreeably to the directions of the acts of the General Assembly in ------ care made and provided And your petitioners also ------ that the four youngest children namely Clarkey,Robert,James and Nancy are infants under age and have no guardian they therefore pray that some decent ----- may be appointed by the worshipful Court ----- that Justice is ------- to them in the partition of the said land And your partitioners as in ?duty ?-----------------?for the petitioners Hugh Knox appointed as guardian --- For the infants ?said?
Transcribed by Ben Askew at

WILL OF JOSEPH FOREHAND In the name of God Amen. I Joseph Forehand of the County of Posquotank, being very sick at present but of sound __________ mind & memory and calling to mind the mortality of the body and that it is appointed for all men to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament, in manner & form following to wit first of all I recommit my soul to God who gave it and __________ such worldly goods as has pleased God to bless me with I dispose of in the following manner. Item - I give & bequeath to my beloved daughter Nancy Forehand $400 that is now owing to me for the sale of my lands, the said $400 to be laid out in lands by my Executrix and Executor hereafter mentioned as soon as convenient and the land when so purchased the deed of conveyance to be taken in the name of my said daughter Nancy to her and her heirs forever--- Item- It is my will & desire that my beloved wife Keziah Forehand shall have the use of the above mentioned land, when purchased during her widowhood Item - I give & bequeath to my daughter Nancy one desk two featherbeds & furniture to her & her heirs forever. Item - It is my future will and desire that as much of my property be sold as will pay my just debts and the residue or remainder be divided between my wife Keziah forehand & daughter Nancy. Two thirds thereof to my wife Keziah and the one third to my daughter Nancy to them & their heirs forever Lastly - I nominate and appoint my beloved wife Keziah Forehand Executrix and my father Lemuel Forehand Executor of this my last will & testament with full power and authority to lay out in lands at their descretion the $400 given to my daughter Nancy - & when so purchased the deed of conveyance to be taken in my said daughter Nancy's name- revoking all other wills by me heretofore made and ratifying this & only this to be my last will & testament - In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 23rd day of Nov 1807.
Transcribed by Ben Askew at

AUCTION FOR JOSEPH FOREHAND - 1808 Item To Pounds Shilgs Pnc 1 Woollen Wheal Widow - 3 - 1 Linnen Wheal Ditto - 1 - 1 Grubing hoe Daniel Richardson - 9 - 1 Ditto Daniel Temple - 2 1 1 Plow Lowdick Williams - 13 5 1 Iron Pot Widow - 10 - 1 Iron Kittle Ditto - 7 - 1 Dutch Oven Smith Jones - 5 - 1 Lott of wooden ware Widow - 10 - 1 Pale Mark Spence - 1 - 5 Yearthen plats Isaac McDaniel - 1 - 5 Plats and sugar dish William Wood - 3 7 1 Jar Widow - 2 - 1 Lott of yerthen Ditto - 8 - 1 Gun William Wood 3 12 - 1 Shot punch & Horn Holowel Williams - 2 11 1 Horse Cart Isaac Stokely 2 6 6 1 Barrel Thornton Gray - 7 1 1 Lott of Trumpue Daniel Temple - 3 - 1 Feather Bed Widow 5 - - 1 Chest Ditto - 10 - 1 Iron ox Chane Hewey Pritchard - 8 - 1 Ditto Ditto - 7 6 1 Iron wedg Sarah Dresser - 6 6 1 Meat Bench Daniel Richardson - 2 6 1 Candle Stick Widow - - 6 1 Shade Joseph Wood - - 9 1 Some Pork Widow 7 10 - 1 Some Fat Ditto - 8 - 1 Cow &yearling Abel Sawyer 5 - - 1 Red Heffer James Spence 4 1 - 1 White ditto ? B Sawyer 3 - - 1 Red Calf Ditto - 15 - 2 Sheep Lowdwick Williams 1 1 - 8 Geese first choice Mark Spence 1 7 - 8 Ditto 2nd Ditto Bethany Copeland 1 1 - 5 Chears To widow - 10 - 1 Sifting box Ditto - 4 - 1 Ax John Thoen - 2 - 1 Small Trunk Mark Spence - 5 1 1 Drawing Knife Isaac Place - 3 - 1 Pr fine dogs Thornton Gray - 2 6 1 Beaufatt Robert Smith 2 3 - 1 Cann Smith Jones - 1 - 1 Pr of stilerges Isaac Place 1 - - 1 Real and winding blades Smith Jones - - 8 1 Morter Miles Jones - 1 - 1 Loom Widow - 8 - 1 Hand Saw Ditto - 4 - 1 Knot mall F B Sawyer - 4 6 1 Ly Stand Isaac Place - 6 7 1 Auger Smith Jones - - 6 1 Table Widow - 5 - 1 ditto Smith Jones - 12 6 1 Dy tub Widow - 3 - 1 Bee hive Isaac Place - 15 - 1 Ditto Miles Jones 1 6 1 1 Ditto Abrem Davis - 2 - 1 Mare Lemuel Forehand 36 - - 1 ?sarch and sive widow - - 6 1 Plane & Crows Miles Jones - 1 - 2 Barrels of Corn John Sawyer 2 - 4 2 Ditto Daniel Richardson 2 - - 1 Slay Lawderick Williams - 1 1 1 Saddle Widow 1 - - 91 8 8
Transcribed by Ben Askew at

Transcribed from the Original Located in the State Archives, Raleigh, NC By Ben Askew,Jr In the name of God Amen. I Joseph Forehand of the County of Posquotank, being very sick at present but of sound __________ mind & memory and calling to mind the mortality of the body and that it is appointed for all men to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament, in manner & form following to wit first of all I recommit my soul to God who gave it and __________ such worldly goods as has pleased God to bless me with I dispose of in the following manner. Item - I give & bequeath to my beloved daughter Nancy Forehand $400 that is now owing to me for the sale of my lands, the said $400 to be laid out in lands by my Executrix and Executor hereafter mentioned as soon as convenient and the land when so purchased the deed of conveyance to be taken in the name of my said daughter Nancy to her and her heirs forever--- Item- It is my will & desire that my beloved wife Keziah Forehand shall have the use of the above mentioned land, when purchased during her widowhood Item - I give & bequeath to my daughter Nancy one desk two featherbeds & furniture to her & her heirs forever. Item - It is my future will and desire that as much of my property be sold as will pay my just debts and the residue or remainder be divided between my wife Keziah forehand & daughter Nancy. Two thirds thereof to my wife Keziah and the one third to my daughter Nancy to them & their heirs forever Lastly - I nominate and appoint my beloved wife Keziah Forehand Executrix and my father Lemuel Forehand Executor of this my last will & testament with full power and authority to lay out in lands at their descretion the $400 given to my daughter Nancy - & when so purchased the deed of conveyance to be taken in my said daughter Nancy's name- revoking all other wills by me heretofore made and ratifying this & only this to be my last will & testament - In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this 23rd day of Nov 1807. In Presence Fred Sawyer sign Joseph Forehand (seal) Lemuel Jordan
Transcribed by Ben Askew at

More of Ben Askew's Family Wills at: Please contact Ben if you have anything to share.
View Polly Forehand-Petition for portion of land-1841 (image)

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